Now Thiruvananthapuram City Women Can Alert Police Control Room Directly from the App
Thiruvananthapuram City Police is providing women an easy way to alert police about the danger in and around Thrivandrum city, Kerala, India.
Thiruvananthapuram City Police app is an app from Thiruvananthapuram City Police which lets people to complaint to police control room directly from the app for different purposes like to report violations and crimes, getting directions to the nearest police station, emergency services, road safety measures and so on.
With recent update, now users have a new feature called 'iSafe' for women integrated with WhatsApp. With this feature, women in danger can press the panic button or long press the volume down key to alert police control room about the situation. When this is activated, control room can track the person in need of help in real-time and can send help immediately.
It would be good if every woman in the Thiruvananthapuram city uses this app. If you want to download this app, please visit Google Play Store - Thiruvananthapuram City Police (TCP).
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