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Set Alarm in this App and Get Wake Up Call from a Person

Fed up with casual alarms which beeps on the wake-up time? Do you want to test a new type of alarm? If yes, is the answer for both the questions, then you must try this Wakie App.

Wakie is a social alarm app, where people will wake you up instead of sounds or beeps. Wakie is a community of people who help each other to wake. It is totally free and you can wake someone up at selected time too. The person who wanted to wake another person will call to wake him or her. The call lasts for only 60 seconds and no phone numbers are visible or can be exchange, which is completely anonymous and safe. Community has more than 1.5 million members and supports 80 countries.

If you want to try this app, please visit Google Play Store for Android devices, iTunes for iOS devices and Windows Phone App Store for Windows devices.

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